Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana Online Apply: Reduce your electricity bill 2024

Get information about Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana Online Apply: This Yojana, a visionary scheme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 22, 2024.

Are you looking for a way to reduce your electricity bill and become more self-reliant in the energy sector? If yes, then you might be interested in the Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana, a visionary scheme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 22, 2024. This scheme aims to provide rooftop solar power systems to one crore households across the country, with several states offering subsidies to facilitate its implementation. In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know about the PM Suryoday Yojana online apply process, eligibility criteria, benefits, and documents required.

Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana Online Apply: Reduce your electricity bill
Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana Online Apply

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What is Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana (PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana) is a central government scheme that aims to provide electricity to low and middle-income individuals through solar rooftop installations, along with offering additional income for surplus electricity generation. The scheme is part of the government’s efforts to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 40 gigawatts (GW) of rooftop solar by 2026, as per the National Rooftop Scheme launched in 2014. The scheme also aligns with the government’s vision of making India a global leader in renewable energy and reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.

What are the benefits of PM Suryoday Yojana?

The benefits of PM Suryoday Yojana are manifold, both for the individual consumers and the society at large. Some of the benefits are:

  • Saving on electricity bill: By installing a rooftop solar system, you can generate your own electricity and reduce your reliance on the grid. Depending on your consumption and generation, you can save up to 50% on your electricity bill.
  • Utilisation of available vacant roof space: If you have a roof that is not being used for any other purpose, you can utilise it for installing a solar system and make the most of the available space.
  • Low gestation period: The installation of a rooftop solar system does not take much time, as compared to other large-scale projects. You can get your system up and running within a few weeks, depending on the availability of the vendor and the approval process.
  • No additional requirement for transmission and distribution lines: Since the power generation and consumption are collocated, there is no need for additional infrastructure for transmission and distribution of electricity. This reduces the cost and the losses involved in the process.
PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana
PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana
  • Improvement in the tail-end grid voltages and reduction of system congestion: By generating power at the point of consumption, the rooftop solar system reduces the load on the already burdened power grid and improves the voltage stability and quality of power supply.
  • Long-term energy and ecological security by reduction in carbon emission: By using solar energy, you can contribute to a cleaner and greener environment, as solar power is a renewable and non-polluting source of energy. You can also reduce your carbon footprint and help in mitigating the effects of climate change.

Who is eligible to apply for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

The eligibility criteria for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana are as follows:

  • The applicant must be a resident of India and have a valid Aadhaar card.
  • The applicant must have a roof that is suitable for installing a solar system, with adequate sunlight exposure and structural strength.
  • The applicant must have an electricity connection from a distribution company (DISCOM) that is onboarded on the National Portal for Rooftop Solar.
  • The applicant must not have availed any other subsidy or benefit for rooftop solar under any other scheme of the central or state government.

What documents are needed to apply for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

The documents that are needed to apply for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana are:

  • Aadhaar card
  • Electricity bill
  • Proof of ownership or consent letter from the owner of the roof
  • Cancelled cheque or bank account details
  • Photograph of the roof

Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana Online Apply

The application process for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana is simple and online. You can follow these steps to apply for the scheme:

  • Visit the National Portal for Rooftop Solar at
  • Register on the portal by selecting your state, DISCOM, electricity consumer number, mobile number, and email.
  • Login with your consumer number and mobile number and fill the application form for rooftop solar.
  • Once you get the feasibility approval, get the plant installed by any of the registered vendors in your DISCOM. You can compare the rates and contact details of the vendors on the portal.
  • Once the installation is completed, submit the plant details and apply for net metering. Net metering is a system that allows you to export the surplus electricity generated by your solar system to the grid and get credits for it.
  • After the installation of the net meter and the inspection by the DISCOM, you will get a commissioning certificate from the portal.
  • Submit your bank account details and a cancelled cheque through the portal to receive the subsidy amount in your account within 30 working days. The subsidy amount is 40% of the benchmark cost for systems up to 3 kW and 20% for systems above 3 kW and up to 10 kW.

PM Suryoday Yojana Online Apply


Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana is a great opportunity for you to switch to solar power and enjoy its benefits. By applying for this scheme, you can not only save money on your electricity bill but also earn money by selling the excess power to the grid. You can also contribute to the nation’s energy security and environmental sustainability by using a clean and renewable source of energy. So, what are you waiting for? Apply for PM Suryoday Yojana online today and get ready to harness the power of the sun.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is PM Suryoday Yojana?

PM Suryoday Yojana is a government initiative launched in 2023 to provide solar power access to rural and underserved areas of India. It aims to install solar panels on homes, institutions, and community buildings, offering affordable electricity and reducing dependence on traditional grid sources.

Who is eligible for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

The scheme is primarily targeted towards rural households and institutions in un-electrified or underserved areas. However, specific eligibility criteria may vary depending on the implementing agency and location.

What are the benefits of PM Suryoday Yojana?

Beneficiaries of the scheme can enjoy reduced electricity bills, improved lighting, and better access to clean energy. Additionally, the scheme promotes environmental sustainability and reduces dependence on fossil fuels.

How much does it cost to install solar panels under Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

The government subsidizes a significant portion of the installation cost, making it more affordable for beneficiaries. The exact amount of subsidy may vary depending on the size of the system and location.

How can I apply for PM Suryoday Yojana?

The application process for Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana typically involves registering with the designated implementing agency in your area. This could be a local government body, discom, or NGO.

What documents are required to apply for PM Suryoday Yojana?

The required documents may vary depending on the implementing agency, but typically include proof of identity, residence, and land ownership.

What is the timeline for PM Suryoday Yojana?

The scheme has a phased implementation plan, with the initial focus on electrifying un-electrified villages. The specific timeline for rollout in different areas may vary.

What are the alternative solar power schemes in India?

Several other government schemes promote solar power adoption in India, including the Rooftop Solar Scheme and the Kusum Scheme. These schemes may have different eligibility criteria and benefits compared to Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana.

How can I learn more about Pradhanmantri Suryoday Yojana?

You can visit the official website of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) or contact your local gram panchayat or discom for more information.

What are the criticisms of PM Suryoday Yojana?

Some concerns have been raised regarding the scheme’s implementation pace, targeting accuracy, and long-term sustainability. However, the government is working to address these challenges and improve the scheme’s effectiveness.

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