The Women Reservation Bill in India proposes to reserve one-third of all seats in the Lok Sabha and state legislative assemblies for women.

According to the Constitution 108th Women Reservation Bill, 2008, women should be given one-third (33%) of the seats in state legislative assemblies and the Parliament.

- To boost women's participation in politics and  - To address gender inequality and discrimination in India

Why bill is Important?

The Lok Sabha has approved the bill several times, but the Rajya Sabha has never done so.

Quota within quota – The 1996 committee advocated a quota for OBC women under the Bill’s one-third reservation for women, however, this recommendation was never implemented.

The Women's Reservation Bill would help to address gender inequality and discrimination by increasing the representation of women in politics.

In terms of the proportion of women in parliament, India comes in at number 144 out of 191 nations. Despite the fact that 48% of Indians are female.

Gender inequality and discrimination are widespread in India. Women are often denied equal opportunities in education, employment, and other areas of life.

The approved law provides that the seats reserved for women shall be eliminated 15 years after the commencement date of the Amendment Act.

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