Shri Rajiv Gandhi: Youngest PM of India (October 31, 1984 – December 2, 1989)

Rajiv Gandhi was the sixth prime minister of India, serving from 1984 to 1989. He was the youngest person to ever hold the office, at the age of 40.

Gandhi was born into a political family, and his mother, Indira Gandhi, was also prime minister of India. He studied engineering in England and worked as a pilot for Indian Airlines before entering politics.

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About Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi Family photo
Gandhi Family (credit: National Herald)

Gandhi’s rise to power was sudden and unexpected. In 1984, his mother was assassinated by Sikh extremists, and he was thrust into the role of prime minister. He promised to bring peace and stability to India, and he launched a number of initiatives to modernize the country.

Gandhi’s government introduced several important reforms, including the National Policy on Education, the National Telecom Policy, and the National Information Technology Policy. He also launched the ambitious “Vision 2020” program, which aimed to transform India into a technologically advanced nation.

Gandhi’s tenure as prime minister was not without its challenges. He faced criticism for his handling of the Bofors scandal, a corruption case involving the purchase of artillery guns from Sweden. He also faced a growing insurgency in Punjab and Kashmir.

Despite these challenges, Gandhi remained popular with the Indian people. He was seen as a symbol of hope and change, and he was credited with modernizing India and making it more open to the world.

Gandhi’s life was cut short in 1991 when he was assassinated by a suicide bomber. He was 46 years old. His death was a major loss for India, and he is still remembered as one of the most important figures in the country’s history.

Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi
Credit : NH photo

Rajiv Gandhi’s life and career

  • Born on August 20, 1944, in Bombay, India.
  • Studied engineering at Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Imperial College London.
  • Worked as a pilot for Indian Airlines from 1968 to 1980.
  • Entered politics in 1980 after the death of his brother Sanjay Gandhi.
  • Elected to the Lok Sabha (lower house of Parliament) from Amethi in 1981.
  • Became prime minister of India in 1984 after the assassination of his mother, Indira Gandhi.
  • Launched the “Vision 2020” program to transform India into a technologically advanced nation.
  • Resigned as prime minister in 1989 after losing the general election.
  • Assassinated by a suicide bomber on May 21, 1991, in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu.

Rajiv Gandhi’s legacy

Rajiv Gandhi and his son Rahul Gandhi

  • Rajiv Gandhi is remembered as a popular and charismatic leader who modernized India and made it more open to the world. He is also remembered for his tragic assassination, which shocked and saddened the Indian people.
  • Gandhi’s legacy is complex and contested. He is praised for his economic reforms and his commitment to peace, but he is also criticized for his handling of the Bofors scandal and his failure to address the growing insurgency in Punjab and Kashmir.
  • Ultimately, Rajiv Gandhi’s legacy is one of both promise and unfulfilled potential. He was a young and idealistic leader who had the potential to make a real difference in India. However, his life was cut short before he could fully realize his vision for the country.
  • The Rajiv Gandhi Memorial, located in New Delhi, is a tribute to the life and work of the former prime minister. The memorial includes a museum, a library, and a garden. It is a popular tourist destination and a place where people can come to learn about Gandhi’s life and legacy.

Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi assassination special investigation agency dissolved – Sangri Today | News Media Website
  • Shri Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1991, in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India. He was 46 years old. Gandhi was campaigning for the Indian National Congress party in the upcoming general election when he was killed by a suicide bomber. The bomber, a woman named Thenmozhi Rajaratnam, was a member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a Sri Lankan Tamil separatist organization.
  • The LTTE had been fighting for an independent Tamil state in Sri Lanka for decades. They had previously assassinated several Indian leaders, including former prime minister Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi’s mother.
  • The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi was a major blow to India. He was a popular and charismatic leader who was seen as a symbol of hope and change. His death shocked and saddened the Indian people.
  • The LTTE was blamed for the assassination, and the Indian government launched a military offensive against the group. The offensive eventually led to the defeat of the LTTE in 2009.
  • The assassination of Shri Rajiv Gandhi remains a controversial event. Some people believe that he was killed for his role in the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), which was sent to Sri Lanka in 1987 to help end the civil war between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE. Others believe that he was killed for his support of the Sri Lankan Tamil cause.

Whatever the reason for his assassination, Rajiv Gandhi’s death was a major tragedy for India. He was a young and promising leader who had the potential to make a real difference in the country. His death robbed India of a great leader and a bright future.

Some of the aftermath of Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination

  • The Indian government launched a major crackdown on the LTTE, killing hundreds of its members.
  • The Indian government also imposed economic sanctions on Sri Lanka, which were later lifted.
  • The assassination led to a wave of anti-Tamil sentiment in India, and many Tamils were forced to flee the country.
  • The assassination also had a major impact on the Sri Lankan civil war, which continued for several more years.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 Who was Rajiv Gandhi?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi was the sixth prime minister of India. He was the youngest person to ever hold the office, at the age of 40.

Q.2 When was Rajiv Gandhi born?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi was born on August 20, 1944, in Bombay, India.

Q.3 What did Rajiv Gandhi do before entering politics?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi worked as a pilot for Indian Airlines from 1968 to 1980.

Q.4 How did Rajiv Gandhi become prime minister?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi became prime minister in 1984 after the assassination of his mother, Indira Gandhi.

Q.5 What were some of Rajiv Gandhi’s accomplishments as prime minister?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi introduced several important reforms, including the National Policy on Education, the National Telecom Policy, and the National Information Technology Policy. He also launched the ambitious “Vision 2020” program, which aimed to transform India into a technologically advanced nation.

Q.6 What were some of the challenges Rajiv Gandhi faced as prime minister?

Ans: Rajiv Gandhi faced several challenges as prime minister, including the Bofors scandal, the growing insurgency in Punjab and Kashmir, and the assassination of his mother, Indira Gandhi.

Q.7 How did Shri Rajiv Gandhi die?

Ans: Shri Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1991, in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India. He was 46 years old. Gandhi was campaigning for the Indian National Congress party in the upcoming general election when he was killed by a suicide bomber.

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