10 Best Ways How to Use Google Trends for SEO

How to Use Google Trends for SEO? A free tool for monitoring the trend of a keyword’s search popularity is Google Trends. This data can be useful for SEO specialists in locating relevant keywords to concentrate on, monitoring the evolution of those keywords over time, and avoiding keyword competition.

You can use Google Trends as a potent tool to get a general overview of the content you want to investigate. Join Johnnyscribe today to discover the most effective ways to use Google Trends for SEO!

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Search for Relevant Keywords

Google Trends can be used to Search for Relevant Keywords for your website (images, news, e-commerce, etc.), blog, or YouTube.

You must type a keyword into the search bar for Google Trends to display related keywords and information on how popular the keyword is (in various ways).

On Google, it works best for keyword popularity searches. SEO professionals compare this convenience to a tool called Google Keyword Trends.

Step-by-step on Search for Relevant Keywords using Google Trends:

  • Enter the keyword you want Google Trends to look up.
  • Google Trends provides a graph of the keyword’s search volume over time.
  • With more searches, a keyword becomes more well-liked.
  • By selecting the “Related queries” tab, you can also view related keywords.

Think about incorporating these related keywords into your blog or website as well.

How to Use Google Trend for SEO: Search for Relevant Keywords
How to Use Google Trend for SEO: Search for Relevant Keywords


In example, my search for the term “SEO Content” revealed that, at the time I chose, there appeared to be a high volume of queries for terms and topics pertaining to SEO Content about AI.

Pro Advice: Select the appropriate country, time, category, and platform for your content campaign. If you were creating content for US users while monitoring keyword trends in India, it would be useless or ineffective.

Monitor the Results of Your Keywords

Once you’ve found a few pertinent keywords, you can use Google Trends to monitor their evolution over time.

This could assist you in determining whether or not the popularity of your keywords is rising and in successfully modifying your SEO strategy.

How to Use Google Trends to Monitor the Impact of Your Keywords: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • In Google Trends, enter the keyword you want to monitor.
  • The “Interest over time” tab should be selected.
  • A graph showing the search volume for that keyword over time will be shown.
  • You can also see the trend for pertinent keywords by choosing the “Related queries” option.
  • To monitor the performance of several keywords, you can create a custom report.
How to Use Google Trend for SEO: Track the Effect of your Keywords
How to Use Google Trend for SEO: Track the Effect of your Keywords

In example, the above image displays periods of high “SEO Content” search volume. Based on the date and search volume, comes with periods of low query volume. Using the download button in the menu bar, you can also download data.

Pro tip: You can use Google Search Console to determine whether your URL page accurately captures the keyword by using the Page/Exact URL feature in Search Results.

Google Trends can also be used to stay away from Keyword Competition.

A keyword is probably very competitive if it seems to be quite popular. As a result, it will be difficult to rank for that keyword on Google.

To put it another way, it will be challenging for your website to rank for that keyword. If you carefully craft the content of your posts, it can increase website impressions.

Some things to look for to stay away from Keyword Competition:

The search volume for the keyword. Because other websites prioritize producing content based on search volume, the more competitive the keyword is likely to be, the higher the search volume it receives.

Level of difficulty for the keyword (KD). This indicates how challenging it is to appear for a particular keyword on Google. This rating is based on currently ranked content; to better understand the difficulty, you may need to research the content of the competitors on page 1 of the SERP.

The number of results that are already ranking for the keyword. It will be harder to rank for that keyword the more results there are that are already ranked.

How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Stay away from Keyword Competition
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Stay away from Keyword Competition

An example, the picture above displays the keyword “SEO content” has a difficulty level of 100 as of mid-March 2023; you should avoid it.

Pro Tips: Start with long-tail keywords that describe a product’s name, its use, or the user’s search intent. You can create a Pillar Post using short keywords to connect this content after creating a lot of long-tail keyword content. This will significantly increase the relevance of your website to that content.

You should also take into account keywords that are popular but challenging to rank for because you can use them as external links to support your post and boost its Link Juice.

Look for Seasonal Keyword Trends

Google Trends can also be used to Look for Seasonal Keyword Trends.

For example, you can use Google Trends to see when people start searching for an Education WordPress theme if you’re selling them. This data can help you plan the timing of your marketing initiatives.

How to Look for Seasonal Keyword Trends Using Google Trends, Step by Step:

  • Enter the keyword you want Google Trends to look up.
  • Choose “Past 90 Days” or a custom time frame to choose a season.
  • The “Interest over time” tab should be selected.
  • This will display a graph of the evolution of the keyword’s search volume.
  • Pay attention to increases in the volume of searches. These peaks could be seasonal trends.

An example, by clicking “Custom time range” in the image above, I can select the time period I want to measure keyword volume for. This lets me gauge keyword trends based on my own seasons. Map out Your Website Content.

You can map out the content of your website using Google Trends. To put it another way, you can use Google Trends for Content Marketing.

By tracking the search patterns for your industry, you may discover topics that are well-liked and about which people are curious to learn more.

You can use this information to map out your content so that it is interesting and relevant to your audience.

How to Map Out Your Website Content Using Google Trends, Step by Step:

  • Enter a keyword relevant to your industry in Google Trends.
  • Visit the “Related queries” and “Related topics” page to view additional related and trending keywords.
  • To choose related keywords with the highest search volume from top to bottom, select “Top”.
  • Once you have identified some topics that are currently trending, you can start to come up with ideas for articles you could write on those subjects.


Improve The Content on Your Website

Google Trends can help you optimize your website’s content for search engines.

In order to increase your chances of ranking highly or at the very least, to increase impressions in the Google search results, you can use it to target trending keywords.

The following steps will help you use Google Trends to enhance the content on your website:

  • In Google Trends, type a keyword associated with the content of your website.
  • Visit the “Related queries” and “Related topics” page to view additional related and trending keywords.
  • To choose associated keywords with trending queries, choose “Rising”.
  • Once you identify some topics that are popular during the period you have chosen, you can start to optimize the content of your website for those keywords.

How to Use Google Trends for SEO

Explore Fresh Markets

Google Trends can be used to research potential new markets for your company or website.

You can use Google Trends by location to investigate new growth opportunities by tracking the Google search trends for your goods or services in various nations or regions.

How to Explore Fresh Markets Using Google Trends, Step by Step:

  • Use Google Trends to enter a keyword associated with your good or service.
  • Choose “Interest by region” from the drop-down menu.
  • The number of times the keyword has been searched in various nations or locations will be shown on a map of the world.
  • Look for countries and regions with a high volume of searches. These nations or regions may present highly profitable future markets for your business.
  • It is possible to view additional relevant keywords that are well-liked in various markets by visiting the “Related queries” page.
  • You can start looking into potential markets once you have a list of them to see if they would be a good fit for your company.
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Explore Fresh Markets
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Explore Fresh Markets

Pro Tips: Finding a fresh market is not an easy task, so you will need to have some patience throughout this process. This method can be used to plan discounts for your product at a time when it is in high demand in your nation in addition to locating new markets.

Keep Track of Your Competition

Google Trends can be used to monitor your competition. Observing the keywords they use can help you learn about their SEO strategy and how to compete with them.

A step-by-step guide on Use Google Trends to monitor your competition:

  • Google Trends can be used to enter the name of your rivals.
  • Follow changes in the number of searches. These increases might indicate that your rival is introducing a new piece of content or a marketing campaign.
  • Visit the “Related queries” page to discover additional related keywords that your rival is using.
  • Once you are aware of the keywords your competitors are using, you can start to develop your own SEO strategy to compete with them.
 How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Keep Track of Your Competition
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Keep Track of Your Competition

An example, I typed Semrush into the box in the image above to check the keyword trends for the business. I discovered that Semrush creates articles about ChatGPT, AI, and perhaps plagiarism-related tools.

Pro Tip: Since Google Trends lacks many features for comprehensive competitor analysis, you should look for these features in more specialized SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, or MOZ. You can look at our YouTube SEO Tools post.

Bring fresh ideas

Google Trends can be used to generate fresh concepts for your company. You can find new subjects to write about, things to create, or services to offer by looking through the related topics and rising queries sections.

Here are some ways to use Google Trends to generate fresh concepts:

  • Enter a keyword associated with your company into Google Trends.
  • It is possible to choose the “Related topics” tab.
  • This will offer a list of timely and well-liked subjects.
  • A list of emerging keywords is also shown on the “Rising queries” tab.
  • Once you have selected a few potential topics, you can start to start to brainstorm ideas for how you might use them in your company
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Keep Track of Your Competition
How to Use Google Trends for SEO: Keep Track of Your Competition

Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Google Trends can help your social media marketing efforts. Keep an eye on the search trends for your industry to identify the most popular hashtags and topics to use in your social media postings.

The Best Tips for Using Google Trends for SEO

So you know how to use Google Trends for SEO. However, the above ways are only effective when you know how to apply the tips to use.

Here are the best tips for using Google Trends for SEO:

  • Use precise long-tail keywords because they have less competition than short ones.
  • Pay attention to keywords with high search intent, which indicates that people are looking for specific knowledge, a product to purchase, or something to learn or do.
  • Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find pertinent keywords and analyze their search volume and competition.
  • To monitor the traffic generated by various keywords on your website, use Google Analytics.
  • Set clear objectives for what you want to accomplish as well as goals to track your progress.
  • Depending on your objectives, keep an eye on crucial data such as impressions, clicks, bounce rate, and more.
  • To spot trends and make any necessary adjustments to your SEO strategy, keep track of how your keywords perform over time.
  • Compare your keywords to those of your competitors to improve your own keyword strategy.
  • Use negative keywords to prevent your website from appearing in irrelevant search results.
  • To boost your website’s reputation and rank higher for difficult-to-rank keywords, focus on making helpful content.


A free tool you can use to boost your SEO strategy is Google Trends. By using Google Trends for SEO as described in our blog post’s tips, you can find relevant keywords, avoid keyword competition, plan your website’s content, and discover new markets.

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Q1: What is Google Trends?

A: Google Trends is a free tool that tracks keyword search popularity over time.

Q2: How can Google Trends benefit SEO specialists?

A: It helps find relevant keywords, monitor keyword trends, avoid competition, and more.

Q3: How to search for relevant keywords using Google Trends?

A: Enter a keyword, view the search volume graph, and explore related keywords.

Q4: How to monitor keyword results with Google Trends?

A: Enter the keyword, check the “Interest over time” tab, and create custom reports.

Q5: How does Google Trends help avoid keyword competition?

A: Consider search volume, keyword difficulty, and existing results for a keyword.

Q6: How to identify seasonal keyword trends with Google Trends?

A: Enter a keyword, choose a time frame, and look for spikes in search volume.

Q7: How can Google Trends assist in mapping out website content?

A: Enter a keyword, explore related queries, and select high-volume keywords for content ideas.

Q8: How does Google Trends improve website content?

A: By identifying trending keywords to incorporate into content.

Q9: How to explore fresh markets using Google Trends?

A: Enter a keyword, choose “Interest by region,” and analyze search volume in different areas.

Q10: How can Google Trends help monitor competition?

A: Enter competitors’ names, watch for search trends, and explore related keywords they use.

Q11: How does Google Trends generate fresh ideas for businesses?

A: By revealing trending topics and emerging keywords related to your business.

Q12: What are the best tips for using Google Trends effectively for SEO?

A: Use precise long-tail keywords, focus on high-search-intent keywords, and compare with competitors, among others.


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