Extraordinary Journey of CJI Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud 2023

The 50th Chief Justice of India, Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, is a renowned jurist who has held the position since November 2022. He was also a judge of the Bombay High Court and the former chief justice of the Allahabad High Court.

In 1959, Justice Chandrachud was born in Mumbai. He is the son of Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud, the Chief Justice of India with the longest tenure. Chandrachud studied at Delhi’s St. Stephen’s College, where he earned honors degrees in mathematics and economics. He subsequently continued on to study law at Harvard Law School and the University of Delhi.

Chandrachud started his legal practice after earning his law degree. He worked as a consultant for the UN as well as practicing law in Mumbai and Delhi. He was chosen to serve as a judge on the Bombay High Court in 2000. After serving for 13 years on the Bombay High Court, he was named chief justice of the Allahabad High Court in 2013.

Chandrachud was chosen to serve as a judge on the Indian Supreme Court in 2016. In 2022, he received a promotion to chief justice.

The reputation of Chandrachud’s intellect and dedication to social justice are well-known. He has written a lot about constitutional law and has been a strong supporter of the rights of the underprivileged and disenfranchised. Additionally, he has been a steadfast advocate for judicial independence.

The legal profession holds Chandrachud in high regard, and many consider him to be one of India’s most intelligent judges. Young attorneys look up to him, and those who think the law has the ability to change the world find inspiration in him.

CJI Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud’s notable achievements 

He was the first judge to rule on whether Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which made same-sex relationships illegal, was constitutional.

In the historic Sabarimala verdict, which permitted women of all ages to attend the Sabarimala temple, he was the author of the majority opinion.

He served as the head of the National Legal Services Authority, which offers low-income and disadvantaged people free legal assistance.

He has been an outspoken supporter of the rule of law and judicial independence.

Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud

CJI Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud is well-known for

  • Scholarship
  • Respect for social justice
  • Independence for the courts
  • Exemplary work ethic
  • Intellectual talent

Many people find inspiration in Justice Chandrachud, and new attorneys look up to him as a role model. He is an excellent example of what a great jurist should be.

CJI Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud’s recent judgments

  • Right to privacy, Justice Chandrachud served on a nine-judge panel in 2018 that unanimously decided that the Indian Constitution recognizes the right to privacy as a basic right. This ruling greatly influenced how the government can gather and utilize personal data and was a landmark victory for privacy rights in India.
  • Sabarimala case: In 2018, Justice Chandrachud was a member of a five-judge bench that found that it was discriminatory and illegal to forbid women of menstrual age from attending the Sabarimala shrine. This ruling was a huge victory for women’s rights in India and has had a big impact on how women are treated in religious institutions.
  • Centre conflict, Justice Chandrachud was a member of a three-judge bench that concluded in 2020 that the Delhi government has the authority to enact laws pertaining to the police and public order. This ruling was a landmark win for the Delhi government and has significantly changed how the city is run.
  • Ayodhya title dispute: In 2019, Justice Chandrachud was a member of a five-judge bench that declared the Allahabad High Court’s handling of the Ayodhya title dispute to be unjust and unconstitutional. Due to this decision, the matter was sent back to the High Court for a new hearing.

These are just a few of the recent judgments that Justice Chandrachud has delivered. He is a prolific judge who has written extensively on a wide range of legal issues. His judgments are known for their clarity, their legal reasoning, and their commitment to social justice.

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FAQs on Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud

Q: Who is Justice Chandrachud?

A: Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud is the 50th Chief Justice of India. He was born on November 11, 1959, in Mumbai, Maharashtra. He is the son of former Chief Justice of India Yeshwant Vishnu Chandrachud.

Q: What are Justice Chandrachud’s notable achievements?

A: Justice Chandrachud has delivered a number of landmark judgments that have advanced the cause of social justice in India. Some of his notable achievements include:

  • Delivering the majority opinion in the landmark Sabarimala judgment, which allowed women of all ages to enter the Sabarimala temple.
  • Writing the majority opinion in the judgment that recognized the right to privacy as a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution. 
  • Being part of the bench that ruled that the Delhi government has the power to legislate on matters related to the police and public order.
  • Being part of the bench that ruled that the way that the Ayodhya title dispute was being handled by the Allahabad High Court was unfair and unconstitutional.

Q: What are Justice Chandrachud’s views on judicial independence?

A: CJI Chandrachud is a strong advocate for judicial independence. He has spoken out against the politicization of the judiciary and has called for the independence of the judiciary to be protected. He has said that “the judiciary is the last bulwark of democracy” and that “it is essential for the judiciary to be independent in order to uphold the rule of law.”

Q: What are Justice Chandrachud’s views on social justice?

A: CJI Chandrachud is a strong advocate for social justice. He has said that “the law must be used to empower the marginalized and the disadvantaged” and that “the judiciary has a duty to uphold the rights of the poor and the oppressed.” He has delivered a number of judgments that have advanced the cause of social justice, such as the Sabarimala judgment and the judgment that recognized the right to privacy as a fundamental right.

Q: What are some of Justice Chandrachud’s most famous judgments?

A: Some of Justice Chandrachud’s most famous judgments include:

  • The Sabarimala judgment (2018)
  • The right to privacy judgment (2018)
  • The Delhi-Centre dispute judgment (2020)

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