Chandrayaan 3 Mission: Set for July 14, Blast Off to the Moon, a hope

Chandrayaan 3 mission is all set for blastoff on July 14th. Get ready for an exciting lunar adventure.

The highly anticipated launch of Chandrayaan 3 mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is all set to happen at 2.35 pm IST on July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.

Chandrayaan 3 mission: Safe Landing, Roving, and Scientific Experiments

Chandrayaan 3 aims to showcase its complete prowess in achieving a safe landing and successful roving on the lunar surface. Unlike its predecessor, this mission will skip the orbiter and focus solely on the lander and rover. So, what are the main objectives of this thrilling adventure? Well, first and foremost, ISRO aims to demonstrate a safe and gentle landing on the lunar surface. They also want to showcase the incredible capability of the rover to explore and traverse the moon’s terrain. Last but not least, the mission will carry out fascinating in-situ scientific experiments to gather valuable data.

Building on Past Endeavors: The Follow-up to Chandrayaan 2

This lunar mission follows in the footsteps of Chandrayaan 2, which took off in September 2019 but unfortunately experienced a glitch with the onboard computer and propulsion system, leading to a crash landing on the moon’s surface. However, ISRO is determined to bounce back and make a triumphant return with Chandrayaan 3.

Read more details about Chandrayaan by ISRO

The Development of Chandrayaan 3 mission

This exciting endeavour was initially announced in January 2020, and since then, ISRO scientists and engineers have been hard at work, tirelessly designing and assembling the Chandrayaan 3. The lander for this mission is equipped with sturdier impact legs than its predecessor, ensuring a more stable touchdown.

Originally slated for an early 2021 launch, the development and assembly of the spacecraft faced delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the second wave of the pandemic further hampered progress, even though the manufacturing and testing of the propulsion systems were almost complete by May 2021.

Chandrayaan 3 Mission
Photo by Indian Space Research Organisation

Countdown to Launch: July 2023 Beckons

But now, with the date finally locked in for July 2023, Chandrayaan 3 is ready to take off atop the mighty Launch Vehicle Mark 3 (LVM 3) rocket. Comprising a separate lander and rover module, this spacecraft is expected to touch down near the moon’s South Pole, where it will operate for an entire lunar day, equivalent to 14 earthly days.

The trajectory of this mission mirrors that of Chandrayaan 2, with the propulsion module making multiple orbits around Earth before slingshotting toward the moon. Once it enters the moon’s gravitational pull, the module will gradually lower itself into a circular orbit measuring 100 x 100 km. From there, the lander will detach and gracefully descend to the lunar surface.

The Final Frontier Awaits: August 23-24 Landing

It will take approximately a month for the module to reach its destination from the launch date. The landing is scheduled for August 23-24, but this timing may be adjusted depending on the moon’s sunrise. In case of any delays, ISRO will reschedule the landing for September. The previous chairperson of ISRO, K. Sivan, has described the descent as “15 minutes of sheer terror.” Imagine the anticipation and nerves as the lander, named ‘Vikram’ after the renowned scientist Vikram Sarabhai finally touches down on the lunar surface.

Vikram will release its four scientific payloads, which will diligently study the moon’s surface temperature and underground characteristics. One of the instruments onboard called the ‘Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth’ (SHAPE), will collect fascinating data about the light emitted and reflected by our home planet.

The Lunar Explorer: Meet Rover ‘Pragyan’

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, we also have the rover, affectionately named ‘Pragyan,’ eagerly exploring the lunar landscape. Pragyan will conduct a series of chemical and visual tests, uncovering hidden mysteries and contributing to our understanding of the moon.

Embarking on a Grand Lunar Adventure

Get ready to witness this incredible journey, where India once again reaches for the stars and unravels the secrets of our celestial neighbour. Chandrayaan 3 is set to captivate our imaginations and remind us of the indomitable spirit of human exploration. Buckle up and join ISRO as they embark on this grand lunar adventure!

Chandrayaan 3
Chandrayaan 3 Misson

A short summary of the Chandrayaan 3 mission

  • The orbiter will orbit the Moon for about 1 year, collecting data on the lunar surface and atmosphere.
  • The lander ‘Vikram’ will attempt to soft-land on the Moon’s South Pole.
  • The rover ‘Pragyan’ will be deployed from the lander and will explore the lunar surface for up to 1 lunar day (14 Earth days).
  • The Chandrayaan 3 mission is expected to cost ₹615 crore.
  • The Chandrayaan 3 mission will be the first Indian mission to soft-land on the Moon’s South Pole.
  • The Chandrayaan 3 mission will be carrying a new payload called the Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) instrument, which will study the Earth’s atmosphere from the lunar surface.

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